
This campaign was started on May 28, 2007 by The Browncoat Signal Corps and is ongoing.

Information copied from The Serenity Browncoats Forum:
"This Project is intended to be a Summer long campaign, with the goal of increasing awareness of the Serenity Collector’s Edition that will be released August 21st, plus a campaign to increase awareness and attendance of Can’t Stop The Serenity Screenings, which will be occuring June 23rd, at locations throughout the US and world wide. The activities that follow and the suggested dates for when to do them are precisely that: Suggestions for how to help spread the good word. As is usually the case with “Slightly Irregular Browncoat” Projects, it is up to each of us as individuals to decide which of these activities are feasible for us to do, and when. These are guidelines and suggestions, nothing more. However, having said that, it would be very Shiny if certain e-mail events were to occur “en masse”, as it were, to garner more attention. It’s ultimately up to you!"

The Campaign is made up of four phases:

Phase One: Collector’s Edition Preorders and Can't Stop the Serenity
Phase Two: Guerilla Marketing of the Collector’s Edition
Phase Three: The Sci/Fi Channel
Phase Four: The Big Damn Thank Yous

External Links[]

The Operation Signal Boost thread @
Browncoat Signal Corps website